Think Big But Start Small

I’ve looked back over my life and identified what strategies led me to where I am. These strategies are both timeless and timely. They have brought me from a 6-figure, to a 7-figure, to a now 8-figure business. These strategies aren’t just important for your business, though. They are important for your entire life.  They…

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How to Start Now and Use Your Mistakes to Fail Forward

Mark Twain once said, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”  Truly, today is your opportunity to build the tomorrow you want.  So, stop thinking. Fast-forward your career now by getting out there and taking action.  To do that, you need to avoid certain million dollar mistakes. They are: 1. Not starting.  The only…

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How to Create Scorecards to Assess Every Area of Your Business

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve shared the first two million dollar mistakes of business. These are the mistakes successful entrepreneurs and millionaires do not make. Today, I am sharing the 3rd of these million dollar mistakes. Not knowing what I was doing in this area cost me thousands of dollars and sleepless nights. …

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