3 Steps to Getting Organized

If you could have one thing in your life right now, what would that be? You see, if you really want your dream to become a reality, hope is not enough. 

You’ve got to have a plan. And you’ve got to have some basic strategies to work that plan out. 

First, you have to get yourself organized. 

Here are three steps to get started:

  1. Evaluate your situation.  

Take an inventory of your situation right now. Track what you spend each day so you will have awareness. You’ll begin to see your habits and figure out the things that have led you to being broke versus being in a place of financial freedom. You might be noticing things you’re spending on that you don’t really need. Remember, small actions lead to great change over time and that involves money too!

  1. Set your WIGs.

WIGs stand for Wildly Important Goals. Write down your vision and make sure it’s clear. Then set anchors around your house to remind you of where your focus goes and where your energy flows. 

  1. Create an action plan. 

First, you have to create a cash emergency fund. Look around your house. Sell those things that you don’t need – or those things you think you need but you don’t really need. Whether that’s your extra pair of shoes, your old handbag, extra set of golf clubs, or whatever it is, all that clutter used to be cash. So turn it back into cash. Figure out the hole in the bottom of the bucket (unnecessary expenses) so you can plug it and your cash stops dripping out.

If you want to learn more about specific action steps and strategies for wealth mastery, check out https://marissanehlsen.com/llr008.


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