“The Silent Killer of Your Credit and Cash… How to Protect Your Identity”

Normally, I like to get you excited. I like to inspire you to live life rich.

But today I want to talk about how to protect you and your family. I want to prepare you so you aren’t left cleaning up mistakes.

In 2014, my credit information was stolen. I thought it would never happen to me because I had protected everything. The one thing I hadn’t protected, though, was the one thing I needed. I was left having to pay a fortune and clean everything up in just 30 days.

I could have let this experience let me fall into a victim mentality. However, I can now see myself as a victor because I learned from it. Now, I want to teach you how to protect this part of your world.

There are various things you can do to protect yourself. Here are some of those practical steps:

1. Get password protection

You can do this through a program such as 1Password or Dashlane. Make your passwords really strong and never use the same password twice. 

2. Be aware of deceptive or phishing emails 

3. Learn about and watch out for phone scams and Internet fraud

They’ll get you when you least expect it, so be on guard. It is also critical to get good encryption software. 

4. Protect your devices

Stay alert when you’re online. Be aware of who’s messaging you and what you’re opening through messenger. 

5. Carry only what you need with you

Don’t put all your credit cards in the same place as your passport. When I travel, I keep my passport and one credit card on me. I keep the information for the rest of my credit cards in a password protected note on my phone. 

6. Report issues right away

Don’t be embarrassed. If you think there’s a problem, report it as fast as you can. This will mitigate the loss on the backend of it.

There are also lots of people you can pay monthly to protect everything for you. Whatever the cost in time or money now, you’ll be glad you did it later. 

So, go fight for your life, your future, and your good name by making sure that when you sleep at night, someone’s standing guard over your stuff. Give the gift of protection to yourself and your family. 

If you want to learn more of the things you can go to protect your identity, check out Episode 038: Quote the Silent Killer of Your Credit and Cash… How to Protect Your Identity.


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