My 3 Secrets to Productivity: Do, Dump, or Delegate

The number one question I get asked is how do I get so much stuff done?

As the CEO of a 7-figure financial services organization, running several different types of companies and a foundation, I have to know how to manage my time. 

If you’ve ever felt like every single day there’s more to-do list than you could ever possibly get done, then you need my secrets to productivity. You need to learn how to do, dump, and delegate.

The first D is do. These are the things that you absolutely must do in a day. You can discover what these things are by thinking about whether a task is truly urgent and if someone else could do it better or faster than you. Once you decide on these daily do’s, it is integral to plan and schedule them into your schedule. 

The second D is dump. You can make decisions on what to dump quickly by knowing your WIGs: wildly important goals. If something isn’t bringing you closer to where you want to be, or if it’s just not efficient anymore, dump it. 

Finally, the third D is delegate. When you delegate something, the person taking it knows it’s their responsibility. They can get it done better and faster than you could. This will free you up to do what you love.

If you want to learn more about my 3 secrets to productivity, check out



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