Financial Detox: Cleaning Out The Clutter And Replacing It With Cash

Today I am teaching you how to detox your life, your money, and your world.

I am making sure that when you go into 2021, you go in bigger, better, stronger, ready, prepared, equipped, called, sourced, and resourced with everything you need to live life rich.

I am showing you how to get you in a great place spiritually, emotionally, relationally, and financially.

It all starts with a detox.

Detox is not just about health. It can affect many different areas of your life. It’s all about cleaning out the clutter and getting rid of the things that don’t serve you.

Think about the people, environments, and patterns in your life. What of those things can you just not carry with you into 2021? What will you never do again?

That’s what you need to detox.

There is a better future ahead for you. You just need to detox the bad stuff and replace it with the good.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • What a detox really is.
  • Easy things to eliminate from your life.
  • How to know who to surround yourself with.
  • Success tips for 2021.
  • The power of physically cleaning out the clutter.
  • How to set amazing goals to design the life you want.

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Supporting Resources: 



Standard of Living Budget Worksheet:

Bulletproof Your Business:

7 Steps to Financial Freedom:

The E Myth by Michael E. Gerber:


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