LLR Podcast 119: Healthy Living with Dr. Lisa O

Episode 119: Healthy Living with Dr. Lisa O.

If you don’t have your health, you got nothing.


You have to take care of yourself and your health now if you don’t want to miss out on life later on.


That is just what my friend, Dr. Lisa Olszewski, helps people do.


Dr. Lisa is a chiropractor and naturopath. She helps her patients experience lifelong change and healing.


Dr. Lisa and I met a couple of years ago. During that time, I’ve learned that she is truly the expert in taking you from where you are to where you want to be in your health.


I’m bringing her onto the show today to share her resources and extensive knowledge. 


She is going to teach us specific actions we can take to improve our health, starting today. These are small, sustainable steps that will transform not only your health but also your life.


Tune in for our deep dive into healthy living!


In this episode, you will hear:

  • Why Dr. Lisa is so passionate about health and wellness.
  • The difference between men and women when it comes to nutrition.
  • What ketosis is.
  • The foundational steps nourish, balance, and thrive.
  • The “dark night” Dr. Lisa went through and how she came out of it.
  • Practical swaps you can make for your hormone health.

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Until we meet again, 

I hope you live life rich! 

Marissa Nehlsen


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