Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn – Connections and Corrections

I learned the value of connection and correction when my daughter was 16. 

I had been reading John Maxwell’s books for a long time. Over the years, I had come across one of his books entitled Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn. Eventually, I also found the teen version of that book and decided to buy it. 

Just a few months after buying that book, my daughter got into some trouble. As a result, I decided to give her two choices: she could lose her phone for a month or read the book and write a summary of each chapter, what she learned from it, and how she applied it. 

She decided to read the book.

Through this experience of walking and talking with my daughter as she went through this book, we both matured. The true meaning of “sometimes you win, sometimes you learn” began to sink in.

Today, I am sharing some of the top lessons from this book and how they affected my relationship with my daughter. 

Whether you’re a parent or not, this episode will be pure gold for you. I’m going to be touching on lessons that will help you improve all of your relationships and your entire life.

Learn from the junky mistakes I’ve made as a parent and in my relationship world. Take these lessons that have served me and my clients well and allow them to serve you too.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • The top four lessons from Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn.
  • What to ask ourselves when we want to grow in an area.
  • The importance of asking questions in our relationships.
  • Steps for connecting with people.
  • Why learning from loss is the key.
  • How to apply the concept of connections and corrections.

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