Crucial Questions to Creating Wins and Wows When Evaluating and Reflecting

We’re all driving along the path of life. Sometimes, we have the right people in the rights seats, while at other times we’re on the struggle bus.

Today, I’m teaching you how I navigate my own struggle bus.

The truth is, I make mistakes every day. I’ve experienced a lot of wins and wows, but I’ve also experienced incredible struggles. Most of the time, it’s because I’m driving in the wrong direction.

If you’re at this same place, you need to get focused. You need to listen to the strategies I use monthly and yearly that help me reflect and make sure I’m on the right track.

The things I am sharing today will be hugely valuable for the rest of your life. They are some of the most impactful things that have helped me in my businesses, in living life rich, in my personal development, and in my growth journey.

So, go to a quiet place. Find a journal. Take notes and get ready to change your life.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Questions that have served me the best over my lifetime.
  • What to do if you’re stuck or overwhelmed.
  • My 30-day reflection journal prompts.
  • The power and importance of recording your wins.
  • My yearly reflection prompts.
  • The LOVE Model I live by.
  • 7 habits for success.

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Supporting Resources: 



Standard of Living Budget Worksheet:

Bulletproof Your Business:

7 Steps to Financial Freedom:

The E Myth by Michael E. Gerber:


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