My 3 Secrets to Productivity: Do, Dump, or Delegate

The number one question I get asked is how do I get so much stuff done?

As the CEO of a 7-figure financial services organization, running several different types of companies and a foundation, I have to know how to manage my time. 

If you’ve ever felt like every single day there’s more on your to-do list than you could ever possibly get done, then you need my secrets to productivity.

I’m sharing the very tips, tools, and strategies I’ve learned from coaches and the people I’ve worked with over the years. These tips will help you make decisions, get more done, and ultimately will change your life.

Get ready to work smarter and get your time (and life) back.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • How to focus your day.
  • The 3 D’s and how they can help you manage your time.
  • The 3 R’s that help you decide what you should do.
  • The 5 questions to ask before delegating something to a team member.
  • Discipline, the mother of the 3 D’s.


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Supporting Resources: 



15 Minute Miracle:

Episode 007: My Daily Do’s And Secret Weapons:

Standard of Living Budget Worksheet:

Bulletproof Your Business:

7 Steps to Financial Freedom:

The E Myth by Michael E. Gerber:




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