Money & Mindset: How I Turned $5 into Financial Freedom

In the previous episode, I talked about growing up with seven other siblings in a trailer and raised by a single mom. We were living in the trailer courts and “broke” was written all over our faces. (Please check out Episode 01 if you haven’t yet!)

But that’s not all that happened.

At 17, I got pregnant. 

I made it happen to graduate in two months – right before my baby was born. 

Having a baby at a very early age, I clearly had to find a way to make ends meet. So I got a job working for my aunt who’s an insurance agent and started earning $5.

Soon… that $5 turned into a seven-figure business.

And that $5 paved my way to FINANCIAL FREEDOM.

All because I made a choice to set the tone for the life I want to live – victorious, not a victim.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Why you need to set the tone for the life you want to live
  • The power of finding the right mentors
  • Zig Ziglar’s quote that became the lightbulb moment for me
  • How success leaves clues

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