Check In’s, Check Up’s, Don’t Check Out

You’ve heard the phrase, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

When we say that, we’re talking about our physical health. We’re talking about doing the things we need to consistently do in order to stay as physically healthy as we can.

However, no one talks about the strategies for staying healthy in every other area of life. In those areas, we tend to check out instead.

The problem is, when we check out, things are left to chance.

We won’t achieve our goals. We won’t have the lives of our dreams. In fact, we wake up one day and realize we’re 10 steps behind where we wanted to be.

I’ve been there. I’ve struggled through checking out and found ways to instead check-in and get checkups. I’ve learned real-life strategies that you can also apply to your world to live life rich. 

The only person who will be an advocate for you is you. So, be that advocate today. Listen to this episode to get started.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Warren Buffet’s 4 key components of why the rich are rich.
  • How to not check out.
  • The changes in our lives that we need to be aware of.
  • The different areas of your life where you need to get a check-up.
  • What kind of professional advisors you need in your life.
  • The questions to ask and actions to take when you do a check-up.

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If you enjoyed this episode, we’ve created a PDF that has all of the key information for you from the episode. Just fill out the form below to download it.

Supporting Resources: 



Standard of Living Budget Worksheet:

Bulletproof Your Business:

7 Steps to Financial Freedom:

The E Myth by Michael E. Gerber:

Get my free time management downloads:


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